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Declarative Kotlin Multiplatform projects#

This explores how to use a simpler, more static DSL to configure applications and libraries written for KMP.

All configuration is moved under a new kmpApplication block. This example only demonstrates an application, but the same ideas apply to libraries.


The testbed subproject uses the new DSL.

The new DSL demonstrates several ideas: - platforms is a list property in the kmpApplication block that specifies the multiplatform targets built by this project. - Common top-level properties that apply to all targets (like the languageVersion of Kotlin used, and the whether or not to publishSources for the project) are backed by Property instances and available directly in the kmpApplication block. There is code in the Greeter.kt file in commonMain that requires Kotlin 1.9 to compile. - dependencies {} in the kmpApplication block allows for declaring common dependencies usable by all targets, in the same way the commonMain KMP sourceSet would. - targets {} allows for configuring specific KMP platform variants. Static extension methods are provided for each platform (only jvm and js implemented so far) to allow for configuring platform-specific dependencies with IDE type assistance. - Publishing the project is configured to use a local Maven repo under build/repo using the publishing block provided by the maven-publish plugin, to demonstrate the results of publishing the project with and without sources.


  • This DSL should look and feel like a Gradle DSL, be similar to Java and Android builds, and be navigable by Gradle developers new to KMP.
  • The targets block should be a container holding each platform, not merely a static extension.
  • Extraneous blocks should be simplified or removed and their contents pulled up a level.

Running the project#

All tasks below should be executed from the testbed directory. Running the project requires running Gradle with Java 17.

To run (on the JVM):

  ./gradlew jvmRun -DmainClass=GreeterKt --quiet

To publish the project to build/repo (Can confirm presence of sources jars in the directory):

  ./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToTestRepository

To run all tests (JVM and Browser-based JS tests):

  ./gradlew allTests